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张伟祐 (Wei-Yew CHANG)


张伟祐,3044永利集团最新链接教授。加拿大新布伦瑞克大学 (University of New Brunswick) 森林与环境管理学院资源经济学博士。曾任加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 (University of British Columbia) 博士后研究员、课程讲师、林业经济研究员、及加拿大卑诗省政府研究咨询等职务。主要研究領域包括:林业经济及政策評估、自然资源和环境管理成本及收益分析、农林经济管理、绿色金融等领域。

目前在3044永利集团最新链接的主要研究工作为和环境保护、生态资源保育、投资开发及利用相関的社会及经济分析。具体包括: (1) 林草碳汇及生态产品价值实现机制(如何将绿水青山转化为金山银山); (2)土地使用变化及自然保护区管理的成本及收益分析; (3)环境政策及生态资源相关事件对区域经济影响评估。

代表性学术论文: (*表通讯作者)

·Li, H., Wang, C., Chang, W.-Y.*, Liu, H., 2023. Factors affecting Chinese farmers’ environment-friendly pesticide application behavior: A meta-analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 409: 137277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137277

·Yu, Z., Ning, Z., Chang, W.-Y., Chang, S.J., Yang, H., 2023. Optimal harvest decisions for the management of carbon sequestration forests under price uncertainty and risk preferences. Forest Policy and Economics 151: 102957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2023.102957

·Li, H., Liu, H., Chang, W.-Y.*, Wang, C., 2023. Factors affecting farmers’ Environment friendly fertilization behavior in China: Synthesizing the evidence using meta-analysis, Agriculture 13(1): 150.https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13010150

·Chang, W.-Y., Wang, S., Song, X. and Zhong, F.*, 2022. Economic effects of command-and-control abatement policies under China's 2030 carbon emission goal. Journal of Environmental Management 312: 114925. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114925

·Chang, W.-Y.*, Li, Z., Lu, K. and Chang, S.J., 2022. Optimal eco-compensation for forest-based carbon sequestration programs: A case study of larch carbon sink plantations in Gansu, Northwest China. Forests. 2022; 13(2):268. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13020268

·Wang, X., Zhang, Q. and Chang, W.-Y.*, 2022. Does economic agglomeration affect haze pollution? Evidence from China’s Yellow River basin. Journal of Cleaner Production 335: 130271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130271

·Li, H. and Chang, W.-Y.*, 2021. Exploring optimal film mulching to enhance potato yield in China: A meta‐analysis. Agronomy Journal 113: 4009-4115.

·Pan,W., Chang, W.-Y., Wu,T., Zhang, H., Ning, Z., and Yang, H.*, 2021. Impacts of the China-US trade restrictions on the global forest sector: A bilateral trade flow analysis. Forest Policy and Economics 123:102375.

·Ahmad, F., Draz, M.U., Chang, W.-Y., Yang, S.-C.* and Su, L. 2021. More than the resource curse: Exploring the nexus of natural resource abundance and environmental quality in northwestern China. Resources Policy 70: 101902.

·Chen, J., Wang L., Li, L., Magalhães, J., Song, W.*,Lu, W., Xiong, L., Chang, W.-Y. and Sun, Y. 2020. Effect of forest certification on international trade in forest products. Forests 2020 (11): 1270-1288; doi:10.3390/f11121270

·Su, S., Yu, Z., Zhu, W. and Chang, W.-Y.* 2020. A comprehensive evaluation and optimal utilization structure of crop straw-based energy production in eastern China. BioResources 15(2): 2850-2868.

·Chang, W.-Y.*, Gaston, C., Cool, J. and Thomas, B. 2019. A financial analysis of using improved planting stocks of white spruce and lodgepole pine in Alberta, Canada: Genomic selection versus traditional breeding. Forestry 92: 297-310.

·Chang, W.-Y.*, Wang, S., Gaston, C., Cool, J., An, H. and Thomas, B. 2019. Economic evaluations of tree improvement for planted forests: A systematic review. BioProducts Business 4: 1-14.

·Chang, W.-Y.*and Gaston, C. 2016. A trade-flow analysis of the global softwood log market: implications of Russian log export tax reduction and New Zealand log production restriction. Forestry 89: 20-35. (此论文荣获英国林学会(ICF) 2015年林业经济论文奬)

·Chang, W.-Y.* and Gaston, C. 2014. The competitiveness of Canadian softwood lumber: A disaggregated trade-flow analysis. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44: 1494-1506.

·Lantz, V., Chang, W.-Y., and Pharo, C. 2014. Benefit-cost analysis of hybrid willow crop production on agricultural land in eastern Canada: Assessing opportunities for on-farm and off-farm bioenergy use. Biomass and Bioenergy 63: 257-267.

·Chang, W.-Y., Lantz, V.A., Hennigar, C.R., and MacLean, D.A. 2012. Economic impacts of forest pests: A case study of spruce budworm outbreaks and control in New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 490-505.

·Chang, W.-Y., Lantz, V.A., Hennigar, C.R., and MacLean, D.A. 2012. Benefit-cost analysis of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) control: Incorporating market and non-market values. Journal of Environmental Management 93: 104-112.

·Chang, W.-Y., Lantz, V.A., and MacLean, D.A. 2011. Social benefits of controlling forest insect outbreaks: A contingent valuation analysis in two Canadian provinces. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 59: 383-404.

·Chang, W.-Y., Lantz, V.A., and MacLean, D.A. 2009. Public attitudes about forest pest outbreaks and control: Case studies in two Canadian provinces. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 1333-1343.



·担任牛津大学Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research期刊经济学领域编辑 (Editor)

·担任以下学术期刊匿名审稿人(Reviewer for): 3044永利集团最新链接学报(社会科学版), Applied Energy, BioProducts Business, BioResources, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Forest Policy and Economics, Forest Ecosystems, Forestry, Forest Products Journal, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Forest Science, Society and Natural Resources, The World Economy


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