


Academic lecture of School of economics, Lanzhou University -- a series of lectures on the development of Economics (2)

Academic lecture of School of economics, Lanzhou University

Lecture series on the development of Economics (2)

Subject: Research on the systematic importance of China's financial institutions based on information spillover network

Speaker: Wang Dan

Time: 14:30-18:10 PM, September 13, 2021

Location: a411, the second teaching building of Yuzhong Campus

Content: build the information spillover network between financial institutions with the help of complex network tools, and then use the network node topology index to evaluate the systematic importance of financial institutions.

Teacher profile:

Wang Dan, doctor of finance, Northeastern University, lecturer, School of economics, Lanzhou University. The main research fields are financial network, systemic financial risk, etc. The research results have been published in SSCI, SCI and CSSCI academic journals such as finance research letters, chaos, solitons & fractals, applied economic letters, physical A: statistical mechanics and its applications, systems engineering, operations research and management.

School of economics, Lanzhou University

September 12, 2021

Add:Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou, Gansu,730000 Tel:0931-8912624 Fax:0931-8912467

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